28. Part 1: The Most Powerful Ways to Heal Birth Trauma for Mothers, Babies, and Fathers with Susan Ross
May 09, 2024
I have Susan Ross, a nurse and founder of the Birth Right Training Academy , on today to share more into healing birth trauma. We dive into her extensive experience in healthcare, her deep passion for supporting birthing women, and her expertise in healing birth trauma. Susan emphasizes the significance in addressing trauma before subsequent pregnancies and highlights the incredible power of mind during pregnancy and childbirth. We also explore her work in hypnotherapy and the crucial role that men play in the journey of pregnancy and childbirth. We talk about how trauma can impact a person’s overall well-being and the vital importance of addressing and releasing it before ending our conversation. This is part 1 of our discussion and I look forward to sharing part 2 with you next week!Thank you for listening!
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SHOW NOTES: Episode 28Support the show
Disclaimer:Please note that the information shared in this podcast is not intended as medical advice. For personal medical advice and support, consult with your healthcare provider.
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Support the show Sharna SouthanPregnancy Loss Practitioner & Trauma informed Coach Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/instituteofhealing_pl/
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